Formula sheet
As a mitigation for the pandemic, pupils this year will be provided with a formula sheet in their maths exam, removing the need to learn certain formulae by heart. A copy of the formula sheet is below. Pupils must make sure they are familiar with this sheet.
It is essential that when pupils are revising for maths the overwhelming majority of their time is spent actually doing maths questions. It is also essential that they check they are answering the questions correctly and that they re-do any that are wrong. Highlighting notes is not an effective revision strategy for maths and flashcards are useful only to learn key definitions (such as what a prime number is) or formulae that are not provided on the formulae sheets.
Good websites to use for revision in addition to Sparx Maths we recommend the websites Corbett Maths and Maths Genie as good sources of questions for revision. Both of these websites are free to use and do not require a log in.
Maths teachers will always be happy to go over any additional work pupils have done with them, to resolve any questions that they may have.
Further Maths
Formula sheet
As a mitigation for the pandemic, pupils this year will be provided with a formula sheet in their maths exam, removing the need to learn certain formulae by heart. A copy of the formula sheet is included in this pack. Pupils must make sure they are familiar with this sheet.
It is essential that when pupils are revising for maths the overwhelming majority of their time is spent actually doing maths questions. It is also essential that they check they are answering the questions correctly and that they re-do any that are wrong. Highlighting notes is not an effective revision strategy for maths and flashcards are useful only to learn key definitions (such as what a prime number is) or formulae that are not provided on the formulae sheets.
Although there is some new content on further maths, a significant portion of the paper is based on content already taught on the GCSE curriculum, albeit in a more complex setting. Therefore, any revision done for GCSE maths will be beneficial for the further maths paper also. Corbett Maths has a further maths section which will be very useful for revision.
Maths teachers will always be happy to go over any additional work pupils have done with them, to resolve any questions that they may have.
Grade boundaries
Sometimes pupils can find further maths GCSE papers unsettling, as they are used to scoring very highly on regular GCSE maths exam papers.
Below are the grade boundaries for the 2023 further maths GCSE paper. Grade boundaries can change year to year, but these do give an indication of how many marks will be needed to achieve each grade.